How to extract CBD hemp oil from cannabis leaves?
What is Cannabidiol (CBD Oil)? Probably each person has heard about marijuana (cannabis). This is a well-known psychoactive drug, which is used for recreational and medicinal purposes. Some people may become addicted to it, so in many countries it is prohibited. However, cannabis contain a lot of substances which may have healthful effects. CBD belongs to the group of cannabinoid substances contained in cannabis. The principal cannabinoid which is responsible for narcotic properties of marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol ((−)-trans-Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol, THC). It causes “getting high” feeling, impairs the ability to drive, and also leads to intoxication of the body. However, CBD is not a psychoactive substance and cannot cause addiction. Therefore, it can be successfully used to treat certain conditions, such as pain, without the risks to mental health. Why Should You Make Your Own CBD Oil? There are plenty of reasons for learning how to make CBD oil such as price, quality, and being ...